Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Showing Off

Eat your heart out.


a million different people said...

Why were you awake so late, you fool?

Proseaholics said...

my daddy told me before teaching me to sour em up and serve em vile, that empty bottles make the most clink.

that pic looks like a bar's equivalent of bling, i think. (darn that almost made rhyme, and by extension is an almost truth)

Thanatos said...

Jealous much? Except for the 1/3 full 10 yr. naked bottle, they're all near full.

Oh wait I forget, you take pride in serving vile JD. Never mind, then :)

Thanatos said...


Uh, I was thinking of you?

Proseaholics said...

7 Boxes and 5 bottles, do not a bar make. nor jealousy would it invoke.

Thanatos said...

Haha, newbie. Hot air does not a barman make, alcohol does.

Come back when you grow up. Till then, there's always JD for your amateur "patrons".

Proseaholics said...

oh gee the bottled equivalent of moses has spoken. shudeder, shiver, squirt.

i'll come back when i've grown up and when you've grown into your pants for starters.

till then, there's always the mud that you seem to like eating.

Thanatos said...

Tsk tsk the amateur gets shrill with every passing breath. What's the matter "barman"? All breathless because the world doesn't celebrate your mediocrity?

Some JD for the "barman"? I'll tip you extra, you can buy mint for all that horrid breath.

Proseaholics said...

awwww, my mediocrity, i revel in it. not everyone can indulge in wanton chicken soup for the bloated soul, y'see?

JD oh yes, but breathlessness that necessitates breathmint? how wonderfully musical and as befitting you, devoid of all sense.

Now really, am done indulging you. Shall return when you've kept your side of the bargain. Which, if the last few comments is anything to go by, will be never. More's the pity, you could have used all the help you can get.

Thanatos said...

Ah, he says he'll go, but doesn't because he's afraid his shrill voice won't be heard. He talks of egos and then offers help. Claims he's a barman, but knows nothing of his business. The wonders of dealing with an amateur!

I thought I asked you to stay away till your tastes evolve. Guess some chumps never change. More hooch for the amateur!

Purely Narcotic said...

OMG. All those drinks must be worth a bomb, no? Where people will protect their assets with burglar alarms you'll probably need one for your bar! :)

Thanatos said...

Yeah, stocking up the bar is not for the faint of heart! I'm not too worried about thefts, I empty the bottles in less than a fortnight :)

a million different people said...

Vushoo. Love came off. Dignified and all. Where do you get it, T?

Thanatos said...

I tried, extra hard :D

SwB said...

... Saala tu bhi bevda hai kya!! :)

I wouldn't mind trying some of those!

Thanatos said...

@ saltwater

'Lo. Haha, staying sober gets tough ;)

You're welcome to try some as long as it's only on the rocks :P